2020-09-09 02:17:28 UTC
Indeed US accusations could not be verified and hence could not be
rational discussion. US has been faking up unverifiable statements as a
matter to bash China.
Here's an interesting documentary that keeps re-appearingrational discussion. US has been faking up unverifiable statements as a
matter to bash China.
on YouTube no matter how many times it's yanked off the site
("Video Unavailable"):
"If the French foreign intelligence collection service goes to a student and
says, 'While you're at Tufts University we want you to go over to some
laboratory and gather THIS, the student can say, 'I'm busy. It's gonna
interfere with my dissertation.'
"If the Chinese foreign intelligence service goes to a student and says,
'You want a visa? You want a passport? When you go to the United States or
France you WILL write a dissertation on this, you WILL work on this project,
and you WILL report back to us, or you'll never get a job in China and your
family will lose their house.' Now, they have the capacity to do that."
It's available in HD...